The Love That Defines Us

February 13, 2025

Scripture Focus: John 13:33-36

What are you known for?

Take a moment to reflect on this question. Imagine the people you encounter daily—your family, coworkers, the barista at the coffee shop, the person behind you in traffic. How would they describe you? Would their first thought be love?

Now, take a step back and ask yourself another question: What is the Church known for today? What about your local church? If someone outside the faith were to describe us, would they point to love as our defining characteristic?

In John 13:34-35, Jesus speaks directly to what should define His followers:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Jesus is clear: love is not just an ideal—it’s the defining mark of His disciples. Without it, we lose our authenticity, our relevance, and ultimately, our witness.

What Are We Known For?

Let’s be honest: answering this question can be uncomfortable.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., in his Letter from a Birmingham Jail, addressed this very issue with sobering clarity:

“There was a time when the church was very powerful—in the time when the early Christians rejoiced at being deemed worthy to suffer for what they believed… But the judgment of God is upon the church as never before. If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century.”

Dr. King’s words resonate as much today as they did in 1963. If the Church is not known for its love, what are we known for? Is it our politics, our traditions, or our silence and indifference in the face of injustice?

Jesus’ words in John 13 call us to a higher standard. We are to love in a way that is so extraordinary, so countercultural, that the watching world cannot help but say, “They must be with Jesus.”

What Kind of Love?

The love Jesus calls us to is not abstract or undefined. It is rooted in His own example:

“Love one another, just as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

This is what sets Christian love apart. It’s not conditional (“I love you until…”), transactional (“I love you because of what you can do for me…”), or purely emotional (“I love you when I feel like it…”).

No, Jesus calls us to love in a way that reflects His humility, inclusiveness, and sacrifice. Let’s break that down further:

Love Through Humble Service

Earlier in John 13, Jesus demonstrates this love by washing the feet of His disciples:

“He laid aside his outer garments, and taking a towel, tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet.” (John 13:4-5)

This task, reserved for the lowliest of servants, was taken on by the King of the Universe. Why? Because true love humbles itself to serve others.

It’s easy to love from a position of comfort or power, but Christlike love often requires us to get down in the dirt. It’s love that shows up in the least glamorous moments, when no one is watching, and no one is applauding.

Are you willing to serve others from a place of humility? Are you open to loving people even when it means stepping into lowly or inconvenient roles?

Love Without Selectiveness

Jesus’ love is not selective. He washed the feet of Peter, who would deny Him, and Judas, who would betray Him. Both men would fail Him in unimaginable ways, yet He loved and served them without hesitation.

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” (Matthew 5:43-44)

This kind of love is rare. It’s easy to love those who love us back, but what about those who hurt us, disagree with us, or stand against us? Jesus’ love challenges us to go beyond what is comfortable and love those who seem the most unlovable.

Are there people or even groups of people in your life you struggle to love—across cultural, ethnic, racial, or even political lines. How might Jesus be calling you to extend grace and kindness to them?

Love Through Sacrifice

Finally, Jesus’ love is sacrificial. In John 13:36-38, He prepares His disciples for the ultimate act of love: laying down His life for them.

“If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)

This kind of love requires self-denial. It asks us to put others before ourselves, even when it costs us something—our comfort, our time, our resources, or even our lives.

In a culture that often prioritizes self-exaltation, sacrificial love is radically countercultural. It stands in stark contrast to the message of “You deserve…” or “Protect your rights above all else.”

What opportunities do you have to deny yourself for the sake of loving others more fully? How can you sacrificially leverage your time, talent, treasure, and tenacity to love like Jesus?

The Source of This Love

If this kind of love feels impossible, it’s because it is—on our own.

The good news is that Jesus doesn’t ask us to muster this love from within ourselves. He is both the source and the motivation for our love.

Because He humbled Himself and came down from the heavens for us, we can serve others.

Because He loved us without selectiveness despite our betrayal and denial, we can love the difficult people in our lives.
Because He sacrificed Himself for us, we can lay down our lives for others.

And because He has given us His Spirit, we have the power to love in ways that reflect Him.

“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

A Call to Action

So, what are you known for?

Is your life marked by the extraordinary, countercultural love of Jesus? Is your church known for its love, or are other things taking center stage?

This week, let’s commit to living out the kind of love that Jesus calls us to—a love that humbles itself, extends grace freely, and sacrifices for the good of others. Let’s allow the Holy Spirit to shape us into people who reflect Christ’s love so fully that the world takes notice and begins to acknowledge “those people follow Jesus”.

When we love like Jesus, we show the world who He is and who we follow.


By CJ Rhodes February 13, 2025
My first job after graduating from divinity school was with Mission Mississippi. I came to the ministry in 2009, which was a season of transition in this country and for the organization. Frankly, what was happening in national politics pulled back the veneer of racial tensions that still permeated the state then. People who worshipped, worked, and even played together were balkanized in ways that disclosed how much more work needed to be done to reconcile people who claimed to be reconciled to God. Fourteen years later, I serve as the chair of the board of directors. I can say that as much as things have changed for the better since 2009, there are ways in which racial tensions in this state are actually worse now in metropolitan Jackson and in enclaves throughout Mississippi. Thirty years ago, this ministry began to meet a need: racism and de facto racial segregation were and still are impediments to evangelism. How can a divided church witness to Christ’s love for lost people if the found folks cannot get along? That was the question then, and it remains a relevant one in 2023. Thirty years later, Mission Mississippi continues to see the need for this reconciling work because increasing numbers of people doubt that the gospel has any power to change lives and the enduring issues that plague our communities. I like to say that Mission Mississippi must serve as an embassy of the kingdom of God. “We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God.” (2 Corinthians 5:20 NIV) We must see our ministry much like a diplomatic mission. We must commend the gospel in hostile territory where the conflict is hot. Younger generations are crying out for this. Millennials (like me) and Gen Zers believe that the gospel speaks holistically to the human condition; it is good news in the midst of bad news and even falsehoods. But our divisions blur this reality for many Mississippians who know how complicit the church has been in what ails us. Diplomats help conflicting parties see better. A few years ago, I decided it was time to get glasses. I’m nearsighted, which means objects further away are blurry to me. With my glasses, though, I can see clearer and make out important details on the horizon. At its best, Mission Mississippi is like a pair of corrective lenses. The gospel’s themes of love, mercy, justice, and salvation are blurry objects in the distance for people closer to hate, malice, injustice, and hopelessness. Our ministry can help them see clearer and further, so that “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith,” we can have a better vision of Mississippi where Christians live out the grace of the gospel unhindered by racism, racial strife, racial prejudice, racial hatred, and racial division throughout Mississippi and the world. Dr. CJ Rhodes, serves as the chairman of the Mission Mississippi Board of Directors, is pastor of Mt. Helm Baptist Church in Jackson, MS, and director of the Hiram Rhodes Revels Institute for Ethical Leadership at Alcorn State University.
By Sherri Tynes February 13, 2025
There are SO many reasons to love Jesus. One that always brings a smile is how He enjoyed parties. We know from Scripture that the first recorded miracle took place at a wedding reception. He was there as a guest, but as an obedient son, the Son handled a rather unusual request from his mother. And because of that, the celebration continued without any interruptions. In October of 1993, I began my journey with Mission Mississippi (MM). This year we celebrate our 30th year of ministry. My first introduction was at a 3-day rally held at Memorial Stadium in Jackson. I watched in awe as over 100 preachers and priests carried a cross over 100 yards down the field. The voices of an interdenominational, multi-ethnic choir were heard throughout the stadium. Then, I listened as Pat Morley and Tom Skinner spoke of their friendship and deep love for one another – all because Christ had led them to cross barriers of color and recognize the Holy Spirit living within each of them. Would anything result from this rally – which asked us to look within and consider how we, too, might begin to cross some of our very own barriers – of denominational and racial differences? My next chapter began in April of 1997. A staff member from my home church asked my Sunday School class to choose a Thursday to attend a Prayer Breakfast which was to be hosted by a local church, but led by the MM ministry. Three of us from the class attended a breakfast at Briarwood Presbyterian Church. The night before, a dear friend’s son had committed suicide and I was going to see her later that morning. I SO felt the need for prayer. When we broke into small groups to pray, a Black brother prayed the most comforting and encouraging prayer for me. Two months later, I attended a MM Prayer Breakfast my church hosted. And, after that, I was “all in.” So, what difference have these 26+ years made in my life? Well, there was Willie Bell, whom I met at Christ the King Catholic Church, while we were attending a Prayer Breakfast there. When I first heard her pray, I was moved by her words and how well she and God seemed to know one another. Early on, MM organized events called “Two and Two Together.” Area restaurants gave a 22% discount for all patrons who visited with someone different from themselves. Since Willie Bell and I were “different colors,” we decided we would participate together. We shared meals and prayers for many years after that. We became friends. Later, larger groups shared meals together. We participated in ministry projects, like wrapping presents at Christmastime at the mall. Just like Jesus, we enjoyed our times of fellowship. They were sweet. When you have prayed together, that lays a wonderful foundation for growing a beautiful friendship. There have been numerous friends I’ve made throughout this journey. There was Joel, who often began his prayers by saying, “Thank you, God, for waking me up this morning and touching me with your fingers of love.” I learned valuable lessons from Joel’s sweet and humble spirit, his dependability, his love for all things “MM.” He kept “at it,” until he was 91 and moved to Heaven! Some people I would see yearly when their church hosted a breakfast. Mary, from St. Richard’s Catholic Church, wasn’t used to praying aloud with others, but the second time we visited her church, she decided to “give it a try.” From then on, she was eager to pray with those in her small group during our prayer time. Had there not been a MM organization, I would never have met Willie Bell, Joel and Mary. Oh, I will see them again in Heaven (because these three have already “relocated” there), but I would have missed the pleasure of knowing them on “this side.” I was privileged to know the three previous directors/presidents of MM – first, Jarvis Ward, then Dr. Dolphus Weary and most recently Bro. Neddie Winters. I celebrate these three leaders and thank the Father for each of them. Now, we celebrate our newest leader, President Brian Crawford, who officially joined us in April. What has all this meant to me? It has helped me recognize how big my God is and how all-encompassing His love is for everyone. I’ve realized the importance of living reconciled NOW, not just waiting for Heaven where everything is perfect and all problems have been resolved. No, God had it in mind for us to work on relationships on “this side.” I still have miles to go, but my life has been so much richer and so very blessed by journeying with all these precious brothers and sisters in Christ whom I wouldn’t have met otherwise. MM made this all possible. This was not man’s idea, this was God’s idea. I am beyond grateful that it was HIS idea for me to participate. To “live reconciled,” we must first be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, then we can work on our relationships with one another. And, it’s not a cake walk. It takes intentionality and commitment. It takes the Holy Spirit working in us to help us see people the way God sees people. My journey with MM has enlarged my understanding of God in ways I would have never imagined. And my life has been blessed in ways I would have never dreamed. I am so thankful to HIM and to MM. What now? Come and join us on this journey. Come celebrate with us! “Living Reconciled” truly is the ONLY way to really live!